ANDRITZ to supply new MonoBlock cold-rolling mill, skin pass mill, and annealing & pickling line upgrade to NAS

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NEWS Admin 2022-12-16 23:40:00 5801


The cold-rolling mill will feature the newly developed Sundwig MonoBlock design for longer service life and reduced operating expenses.

The ANDRITZ scope comprises the design and supply of the complete mechanical and electrical equipment, as well as supervision of installation and start-up. The deliveries will be designed with a particular focus on production efficiency, strip shape, and strip surface condition to manufacture products of the highest quality.

The new Sundwig MonoBlock (SMB) 20-high cold mill will be capable of rolling up to 1350 mm wide product, with a maximum incoming material gauge of 6.2 mm and a finished material gauge as thin as 0.15 mm. The unique SMB design provides additional features for easy maintenance such as the automatic roll change device, increased roll grinding ranges, easy back-up roll assembly, and direct hydraulic adjustment via long stroke cylinders resulting in a large roll gap opening.

The new skin pass mill will be capable of rolling up to 1600 mm wide product. Material gauges will be from 6.2 mm to 0.3 mm.

Annealing and pickling line #2 will be upgraded to include a new state-of-the-art furnace cooling section, shot blasting and pickling section.

North American Stainless (NAS) is the largest fully integrated stainless-steel producer in the U.S. and a member of the Acerinox Group. This order confirms the long-standing, successful business relationship between ANDRITZ and the Acerinox Group.

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